Greetings Bob Hope Elementary School Community!
It is an honor to introduce myself as the new Principal of BHES School and to join this wonderful school community. My first impression of the school if that we have incredibly caring teachers and parents. I hope that this note finds you enjoying the rejuvenating days of summer and that you and your children are looking forward to beginning a wonderful school year together. For those who have just PCSd, we welcome you to Okinawa and our DoDEA Pacific South family! For those returning students and parents to Bob Hope ES, I cannot wait to meet you as we get ready for an exciting school year.
I know many of you have questions about our back-to-school plan. In the coming days I will be sharing information on social media and via email. As your Principal, one of my commitments to our families, teachers, and Community, is ongoing and purposeful communication. I will keep you informed of school events and happenings, and share our celebrations throughout the year. Another focus area will be continuing our vital academic programs and opportunities for our students while also providing a warm and welcoming school.
I also want to take this time to introduce our wonderful Assistant Principal who is returning this school year, Mrs. Ramona Williams. Mrs. Williams and I look forward to partnering with you. We will be starting a parent coffee / BHES Parent University once a quarter so please be on the lookout for that, along with other ways to support the school. We will also partner with our PTO and SAC (School Advisory Council).
To our students, I cannot wait to meet all of you! I hope that you are excited about this coming school year.
In closing, please know that my door is always open to you. I welcome your feedback, conversation, and positive input throughout this year. Let us always keep our students the primary focus of our work together. I look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the 2022-23 school year. Again, on behalf of our wonderful teaching and support staff, welcome to the BHES Shisa family!
With Gratitude and Respect,
Kristopher R. Kwiatek Principal
Bob Hope ES