Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Ramona Williams.

Dr. Ramona Williams

Unit 5166
Kadena AB
APO, AP 96368-5166
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance Front Office 098-634-4524
Counselor 3-5 School Counselor 098-634-4524
Counselor K-2 School Counselor 098-634-4524
Information Specialist Information Specialist 098-634-4524
Registrar Registrar 098-961-4524
School Psychologist School Psychologist 098-634-4524
Webmaster School Webmaster 098-634-4524
Ashley Wood School Nurse/Health Aide 098-634-4524

School Hours

Breakfast: 0815-0845

First Bell: 0845

Tardy Bell: 0850

Dismissal: 1505/Early dismissal Every Tuesday-1405

Pick-up and Drop-off

  1. Parents are permitted to drive cars to drop off and pick up students in the designated zones. Double parking may cause a hazardous situation and it is illegal. Cars may be ticketed.
  2. Parents are required to sign children out in the office when picking up children during the school day.
  3. If older siblings pick up children, establish a meeting place outside the building away from the flow of traffic.


  1. Parents or the emergency contact for the student, or a sibling 12 years of age or older must drop off and pick up kindergarten students at their designated area. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  2. If a kindergarten student is picked up later than 2:30 twice within the school year, the students' sponsor will be notified. If the problems continues the sponsors command will be notified.

Rainy Day

In the event of rain, the office will make an announcement and students are to proceed to their classrooms.

Pedestrian Safety

Please adhere to all traffic laws and safe driving practices (i.e. speed limit of 10 km upon entering BHES grounds, no texting while driving, etc.) and to the directions of BHES staff who direct before and after school traffic.

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